sabato 4 luglio 2015

Chapter 7 of the thriller "D.C Undercover" Oscar Bartoli (Scarith Books/New Academia Publishing)

Chapter 7

An elderly gentleman was waiting at the door. He had long gray
hair and a long gray beard. Despite the heat, he was wearing a dark
suit, black tie and a long sleeved white shirt. His cufflinks were
gold and embossed with the emblem of the square and compass.
“Welcome, Brother Michael. Can I call you that since you too
belong to our great Institution?”

Bardi smiled in appropriate response and sat where directed.
From the window a cool breeze fluttered the curtains.
“Thank you, Grand Master Cardoni,” he replied.

The elderly gentleman continued, “Finding you was not easy,
but‒as you can see‒we managed. Please excuse the following personal
question. Are you still working for the Washington Smith &
Smith law firm?

“Not any more. We came to a mutual agreement.”

“I imagine that it also included some form of buy out.”

“I know how to take care of myself. Plus, there were some disagreements
on methodology.”

Cardoni stifled a laugh. “Are you hinting at the elimination or
termination of certain dangerous witness statements?”

Michael pretended to have not heard.

“Your silence is wise,” said Cardoni. “To avoid wasting time,
I want to posit a scenario. Years ago I established an organization
called ‘The Rock,’ as you well know. What I want to do is give you
some insight into my motives.
Young Brother Michael, you belong to a Lodge that answers to
the Grand Lodge of Washington DC and I give all due respect to
Washington’s bilingual Lodges. When I examine American Masonic
membership I must admit that I am very pleased at the numbers
of simple folk. It means the Craft is having a real effect on society.
But then I ask myself: can an Institution such as Freemasonry thrive
with a membership of working class people? If we are called upon
to take up our leadership role in society, and to lower the draw
bridges and function as a point of reference for the disoriented profane
people who surround us – well then: if this is true, and it is,
we must have influence over those who are at the very top of civil
society. And this does not apply only to you Americans. It applies
to everyone, starting with Masonic obedience in Italy.”

Michael felt uneasy. The elderly Freemason was going off on a
difficult to understand tangent. After all, he had been widely criticized
in the past for actions many believed to have been undertaken
for personal power gain and that were contrary to the universal
Masonic leading precept of tolerance.

“That is why I withdrew from all Grand Lodges and decided to
devote myself to The Rock. By the way, it welcomes women members.
It is what happened with the Rotary International twenty
years ago; membership is not gender based but is determined by
the applicant’s professional and personal achievements. Our meetings
are held at the highest levels with the participation of very
powerful people – the people who decide the world’s future.”

Michael was struck by his host’s increasing animation.

Cardoni by now was in full swing. “I am sure you want to ask
me what is discussed in our meetings. The topics are the usual ones:
power relationships among nations, multinational operations, and
above all, energy. We discuss what is being done on a global level
to counter increasing energy demands due to the needs of so-called
developing nations that, in fact, are fully developed.”

“You forgot to mention the issue of water…” Michael interjected.
“No offense intended, but these are matters that are being
discussed by scientists, politicians, economists and sociologists

Cardoni smiled in a slightly patronizing manner and replied,
“Dear young American Brother, what you say is true. Everyone today
is dealing with these issues. The main difference between us
and other famous clubs such as Bilderberg Group or the Aspen Institute
is that we talk and we analyze, but above all we decide and
we act.”

Cardoni’s “we decide and we act” was delivered with what
seemed a hiss as he stared at Michael Bardi. The elderly former
Grand Master appeared to be reciting the opening lines of a script.
What was going to follow would be all the details and the reasons
why he had reached out to Michael Bardi.

“We decide and we act,” he repeated. “What do you know
about the world’s energy problems?”

“What you read in the papers and in sector magazines: that we
have to look for alternative energy sources.”

“But there are no alternative sources, only complementary ones.
It will take decades to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.”

“And they are running out…” added Bardi.

“It was apparent as far back as the 1960s to the members of
the Club of Rome. The discovery of new reserves and technologies
that make it possible to drill at great depths, must, at least for the
moment, prolong the use of fossil fuels. Listen, I do not want to be
excessively pedantic, so it would be best if you listened to what
Michael T. Klare has written on the subject in The Nation.”

Cardoni stood up and started summarizing from a document
he took from a side table:

“In the not too distant future we will be faced with a do or die
contest over energy supplies. The outcome will determine every
facet of our lives and has the potential to generate tremendous profits
and losses. What is your reaction to this, Michael?”

Michael shrugged and replied, “I too have read Klare, and agree
that over-dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels and global
warming are a recipe for disaster.”

“And so,” Cardoni continued, “according to you the winners
will be the countries and corporations that invest in alternative
sources and technologies.”

The conversation was interrupted by the entrance of a woman
in her sixties bearing a tray with tea for two. She put the tray on the
coffee table and left the room without saying a word.

“Can I serve?” asked Michael. He had fresh memories of being
slipped a narcotic while being offered something to drink.

“But of course,” his host replied with a sly smile. “In any event,
no need to worry. I will take the first sip.”

Michael picked up where they had left off. “If what I have read
is correct, fossil fuels represent 80 percent of our current energy
sources. Renewable energy is current at little more than 1 percent
and even in the best of cases won’t increase to more than 5 percent
for the foreseeable future. I think the supply of alternative sources
can be magnified. It all depends on the amount of effort is placed
on developing new technologies, restraining the influence of the
oil companies and the degree of political will to do so. Despite
the long-standing global economic crisis, true visionaries such as
America’s President and certain conservatives will take this path.”

Cardoni cut to the chase and asked, “So, Brother Michael, whose
side are you on?

“Which would you suggest?”

“On the side of the realists. Developing alternative energy
sources in sufficient quantity to satisfy demand is a dream for now.
America’s President is certainly doing his part, but it might be better
for him if he devoted more attention to improving his image.”

Cardoni then zeroed in on the true reason for the encounter. “Let
me put this bluntly: do you want to work for us or not? You will
be well compensated, believe me. Please understand that our cause
is not aimed at influencing history. We are fully cognizant of the
fact that any action taken to disturb the current, however unstable,
equilibrium in energy source supplies may quickly lead to terrible
consequences for humanity. Weapons of mass destruction have
already made their way into the hands of Iran, Israel, Venezuela,
Pakistan and India. Armageddon may be approaching.”

Michael felt caught. He offered the appropriate thank you and
promised he would give serious thought to the offer, which greatly
honored him. He added that at the moment he was working as a
consultant for a number of international clients, but looked forward
to receiving a written and interesting proposal. And then he stood

Cardoni smiled enigmatically, accompanied him to the door
and made his farewell, “Young Brother Bardi, this meeting never
happened. Remember that the Rock decides and acts on every continent.
Please accept a suggestion from someone who is older: control
your impulsivity and let reason take over.”

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