martedì 15 dicembre 2015

Chapters 43, 44 and 45 of the thriller "D.C Undercover" Oscar Bartoli (Scarith Books/New Academia Publishing)

Chapter 43

A person dressed in a black wetsuit, the hood showing only the eyes, was pointing a gun at Michael. In the dim twilight, the voice said, “You don’t understand anything. Things are not what they seem. This dead Arab will be very useful to us. Even if he wasn’t able to kill the President he will be the pretext for a nuclear war against the Arab world.”

Michael was about to faint again. His mind was cloudy. The words of the person in black, like a Death-like figure, bounced around his brain with an echo, as if they were in a large basilica.

“Basilicas.” The thought floated through the wounded man’s mind. 

“The medieval cathedrals built by master masons… Why does he keep talking? Why doesn’t he just shoot and be done with it? I am so tired.”

But the black-dressed person had more to say. 

“It is the end of the oil-based civilization. The alternative energy one is about to begin. We needed something big, like the killing of the President who was fighting for the overthrow of the oil-based society. We screwed them all. We will make tons of money.”

A creepy laughter made even more so because of the crackling metallic sound of the robot-like voice followed.

“But it’s too late for you,” said in ending the black-dressed executioner. “Business is business. Nothing personal. It’s your turn now.”

Michel closed his eyes and saw his father smiling at him. Then there was a rush of overlapping faces, places, war scenes… Olivia… he didn’t care anymore about anything.

“Go ahead, shoot and then go fuck yourself,” he said with his last remaining strength.

Two clear shots rang out. No silencer had been used.

The black-dressed person fell to the ground with a moan. 

Tom Genisio, Michael’s sidekick, came out of the shadows. He had been looking for Michael ever since hell had broken loose.

Tom ran to Michael who pointed at his wounded leg. Tom took off his tie and tied it tightly above Michael’s knee to reduce the bleeding. Then he helped Michael to his feet.

Meanwhile other members of Michael’s team, having heard the shots, had arrived at their side.

Before being placed on the stretcher Michael turned to Tom Genisio, “Wait – shine a light here…”

He bent over the black dressed body withering in pain on the side of the pool and tore of the hood.

Rachel’s flaming red hair tumbled out. Around her neck she had an electronic larynx. A trickle of blood was coming out of her mouth and ran into the red of her lipstick. 

She couldn’t talk, from her mouth came a death rattle. Her green eyes had a look of terror, pain, agony and despair.

Chapter 44

Smith & Smith law firm in the Reagan Building in the nation’s capital.

The boss and his associates were watching the latest news about the attempt on the President’s life on three TV screens. There were eyewitness accounts and close ups of the round drone being shown by FBI agents.

Breaking news on the discovery of the Arab’s body: “The news that the attempt on the President was orchestrated and carried out by an Arab is causing outbreaks in the U.S. What you are seeing now is the destruction of stores and agencies owned or managed by Arab Americans. There is increasing fear throughout the country despite the fact that the White House had stated that there is no information on any possible Fareh Habib affiliations with Islamic extremists. Habib was known in international intelligence circles as a hired killer. Any hypothesis of links to Al Qaeda or ISIS for the moment has not been confirmed in any way. The President is well and will shortly hold a press conference. White House sources say he will soon resume his nationwide visits.”

Eyewitness accounts then followed.

 A woman in tears said, “We didn’t know what was happening. We saw secret service agents throw themselves on the President and push him to the floor. We couldn’t understand why. Then there was that small black sphere that entered the room and was bouncing around – like a game, an ill-conceived prank. Then it started launching missiles and there was total confusion. I threw myself to the floor. My friend Ruth who was next to me was hit on the head by a block of cement. I think one also landed on one of the President’s bodyguards. It seemed to last an eternity or at least until that damn flying sphere was stopped by the secret service or somehow fell… I don’t know. I knew the President’s coming to town would provoke a terrorist attack… Six people dead and lots of wounded among those attending the meeting with the President. He should have stayed in Washington.”
The intercom interrupted the TV watching. The secretary announced the arrival of two FBI agents. 

They burst through the door. “Mr. Paul Kidman, senior partner of Smith & Smith?”

“That’s me,” said the boss in an authoritative, icy tone of voice.

“This is an order for your arrest and that of your collaborators for an attempt on the life of the President.”

“There must be a mistake.”

“You are a well-known attorney and now you will have to prove it. You will have to explain your relationship with the now deceased attorney Rachel O’Hara who answered directly to you even though officially she was senior vice president of a lobbying firm. You will have to explain how and why you hired a hit man to eliminate persons who interfered with your plans.”

“Basically,” said the other FBI agent with a self-satisfied sneer, “we are very interested and want to hear from you. For the moment, turn around and put your hands behind your back. Anything you say will be used against you. You have the right to an attorney of your choice. Do you have anyone in mind?”

Mr. Paul Kidman and his four close collaborators were led out in handcuffs. They passed by the  showy secretary who could hardly hide her dismay because after all she kind of liked that son of a bitch of Paul Kidman, assuming someone could have feelings for such an icy man.

 But then, leaving aside passion or supposed affection, she was going to lose her salary. She’d also be losing the bonus she got when the boss, overwhelmed by stress or perhaps wishing to tamper down any possible feelings of remorse, would call her into his office and she would kneel down and give him oral sex while he remained seated at his desk. He gave her $200 each time.
Now what?

Chapter 45

Meeting of the Garibaldi Lodge. The occasion was the installation ceremony for the Worshipful Master,  Senior and Junior Wardens and other Lodge officers. 

The master of installation read to the Worshipful Master his duties and responsibilities for his one-year mandate. The master of ceremonies moved to the center of the Lodge and upon raising his golden baton and turning to the west, south and east announced that the new Worshipful Master had been unanimously elected. Then the installation ceremonies for the other dignitaries and officials followed.

Once the ritual was over, the Worshipful Master who was sitting in the Orient stood up and delivered his opening speech.

“Brothers,” he said, “we have come through a bad moment. The international situation has reached a point of no return and there is danger of a nuclear conflagration that could kill billions of people. Unfortunately our ancient Order has shown that it is vulnerable. We have been infiltrated because we did not pay more attention to the profane world. Insane so-called Masonic offshoots that in reality were corrupt entities have polluted our organization and we have been accused of matters for which we are blameless.

We must be careful. We must operate openly in the world and consolidate our image with transparent action. We have nothing to hide. We are an active part of this society, one the Founding Fathers imbued with their deep moral convictions. We must rediscover ‘the fundamentals’ of our existence. We must move among the ‘profane world’ and let it know us. We must be a true model of behavior – everyone in his own niche as a professional, family father, husband as educator. We must help rebuild the ideals that were at the basis of the miracle of faith and collective energy that resulted in the birth of our beloved nation: The United States of America.”

The meeting ended with the closing ritual. The Worshipful Master banged his gavel. 

Then he took hold of his cane and visibly limping he descended from the Orient podium. 

He was greeted by the loud applause of the many Brothers in attendance. 

They gathered around him and congratulated the newly elected Worshipful Master: Michael Bardi.

sabato 5 dicembre 2015

Chapters 40, 41 and 42 of the thriller "D.C Undercover" Oscar Bartoli (Scarith Books/New Academia Publishing)

Chapter 40

Michael Bardi had a stomachache. And yet he had not eaten anything except for a few crackers Tom Genisio had given him. His unease was not caused by stress, he was used to that. Rather, he had a feeling something wasn’t right but he couldn’t pinpoint what.

His team and the FBI had worked well together – checking every corner of the building, plotting escape routes and planning for dozens of possible terrorist attacks on the President.

Michael was a perfectionist and didn’t trust anyone. So he decided to take another look at the perimeter. 

Meanwhile the President’s at times testy debate continued with extreme right activists. The moderators were having little effect. And there was no trace of any liberals. 

Michael verified that the auditorium’s doors were manned by dozens of agents. He then went out the hotel’s main entrance and walked towards the back of the hotel towards the kitchens and storage areas.

Once he got to the pool area he noticed a van with its back door open to a delivery entrance. And yet he had given instructions that all deliveries were to be suspended until the President had left.

Michael was wearing a black uniform with a bulletproof vest. He was carrying a Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine gun and several high-capacity magazines. He also had his Beretta caliber 9. 

He inched along the wall until he reached the young man who was finishing his delivery. He jumped on his back while covering the man’s mouth with one gloved hand and grabbed his jugular with the other. 

The young man was about to pass out. Michael showed him is CIA badge and gestured him to keep quiet and leave immediately. As soon as he recovered from the fright the deliveryman got back into his van and tore out.

Michael squatted and surveyed the pool area. At the top of the waterslide he noticed a strange light, as if a TV set had been turned on. Silently and keeping low he moved towards the pool lakeside entrance. 

He decided to climb up the stairs leading to the shed at the top of the slide – hoping they weren’t made of wood and wouldn’t squeak.  He began climbing. The stairs were of plastic covered iron so kids wouldn’t slip.

Once at the top Michael saw the man using a remote and watching a monitor. The images showed a spherical object flying from one room to another. It looked like a remote controlled helicopter.

Michael had no choice. He yelled into his radio microphone, “Emergency POTUS!” while the Arab – the very same one who had tried to kill him on top of the George Washington Masonic Memorial building – had managed to get the drone into the auditorium. The drone was flying over the heads of the astonished agents guarding the room.

The Arab meanwhile continued to guide the drone. He suddenly turned and fired a silenced shot from his gun. The shot missed and Michael threw himself on Habib Fareh who tried to defend himself while maintaining control of the remote. Then the Arab pressed a red button. 
Chapter 41
Michael’s screams over the radio microphone landed like explosions in the ear sets of the President’s bodyguards. 
Two of the ones closest to him threw themselves on the POTUS, pushed him to the floor behind the podium and covered him with their own bodies. All hell broke loose in the auditorium.

A strange round object was flying around, hitting the ceiling and walls. Women were howling. Confused military officers were shouting. TV cameras were broadcasting live scenes of total panic.

Suddenly the black sphere launched two high-powered small missiles. 

The first one hit a large plate glass window, the second came crashing to the ground killing several people and wounding many others. 

The ceiling collapsed in a cloud of cement exposing cables and tubes. The sprinkler system activated wetting the dead, the wounded and the wandering and terrorized survivors. 

One of the agents covering the President had been killed by a block of cement fallen from the ceiling. 

His comrades quickly moved his body and loaded the Commander in Chief on a stretcher. They ran into the parking lot to the waiting armored ambulance.


Chapter 42

Michael grabbed the legs of the Arab who was still trying to control the remote. The Arab fell to the ground. He turned and fired another shot at Michael, hitting him in his right leg.

Michel was losing blood – the shot might have hit an artery. He didn’t have much time left.

The Arab’s gun malfunctioned. Michael leaped for his neck trying to strangle him. His mind was working feverishly despite the terrible pain to his leg. 

The Arab wrestled loose and rolled on the floor. Then he got up and grabbed a P38 from an ankle holster.

Michael landed a left judo de ashi barai, and knocked the gun out of his hand. The Arab tried to get up. Michael kicked him in the balls and jumped on him.

Still on the floor, Habib Fareh tried to push him off. He pressed a leg against Michael’s stomach lifting him.

Michael landed inside the chute and started sliding downwards. All the while he felt the pulsating of blood gushing from his leg. He hurtled down the slide. The Arab followed him.

 “What happens once we land in the water?” thought Michael starting to feel faint. 

He splashed into the water and was floating on his back when the Arab hit the water head and hands first. He was holding a dagger that glinted in the moonlight.

The Arab landed on Michael who had meanwhile flipped open the switchblade Tom Genisio had given him. 

He stuck it in Habib Fareh’s stomach and thrust it sideways using the Japanese “seppuku” suicide technique.

The Arab’s corpse was crushing Michael who risked drowning. Michael shook it off, swam to the pool’s edge and somehow managed to pull out. Then he fainted.

A well-placed kick to his side made him come to. 

A metallic and guttural male voice said, “Good job. But you’re stupid and now it’s your turn. Idiots can’t live. They cause too much trouble.”